Lavender Tribe Design - A Short History

Hi, I'm Heather.  

I run and manage Lavender Tribe Design. We are a clothing studio located in the rural farmlands of Eastern Washington, USA.

We specialize in Western and Southwest Prints and Feminine Lace Tops.

Thank you for stopping by! Keep reading for our full story. ♡

How It All Started ...

It all began at a small-town local Farmer’s Market where Heather would sell her handmade goods and vintage finds.

Lines of loyal fans 💕

Heather’s clothing became so popular that each weekend she would be greeted with lines of customers driving from miles away waiting to see what one-of-a kind blouse and sweater designs she had created over the past week. With that success, eventually Heather expanded and ventured online to create her own website, to sell her handcrafted designs.

Design Influence

For her clothing designs, Heather takes influence from her small-town country roots focusing on feminine lace and floral tops and the highest quality luxurious sweaters.

Our Studio

Heather still creates and ships out all orders from her clothing studio in her sweet converted barn in the country located in the rural farmlands of Eastern Washington State. Each style is modeled by Heather herself inside her small country studio staying true to her small-town humble roots. Heather’s goal is to continue to make high-quality hand-crafted US made pieces that will be treasured items in your wardrobe for years to come.

Native Initiatives

Lavender Tribe home base is lucky to be located a short distance from three amazing native communities.  Growing up with family and friends in these Native communities has been a life long process of educating ourselves on Native history, listening to Native leaders and teachers, and continuing to work together side by side. It is our goal to model a mutually beneficial relationship between Native artists — one that helps restores their land, communities, and stories. Lavender Tribe continues to partner and learn with Native and Indigenous designers, employ native family members, and work with Native-led non-profits. 

Growing the Team

As her designs have grown Heather has added to her team and now employs two seamstresses in Washington State and a larger sewing production partner in California to help with sweater production during the busy holiday season.

Beware of Knockoffs

Unfortunately with her success, Heather has dealt with the unrelenting bombardment of China based websites knocking off both her designs and stealing photos of herself then sending customers low quality chemical ridden knock-offs from China.

Do not be fooled by any copy of Lavender Tribe Designs you may see online. Our designs are all original and can only be found on the Lavender Tribe Website and the official Lavender Tribe Design Etsy storefront.

Thank you for being part of our Tribe!

As a nod to our humble beginnings Heather continues to create one-of-a-kind small batch clothing styles each week and new sweater designs each year. Follow along with her journey by joining the e-mail list and sharing your Lavender Tribe photos!

We love to share them on our Customer Gallery page!

